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Grant Writing 101 Workshop

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The Grantwriting 101 webinar is an interactive session designed to introduce to participants the essential skills and knowledge needed to successfully navigate the world of grant applications. Geared towards individuals and organizations seeking funding for projects, programs, research or initiatives, this webinar will introduce the fundamental elements of effective grant writing.


Participants will learn the key components of a grant proposal, including crafting a compelling narrative, developing a clear project description, outlining a budget, and understanding the evaluation criteria. The webinar provides insights into researching and identifying funding opportunities.  The workshop also delves into the common pitfalls to avoid in grant writing and offers tips for enhancing the competitiveness of proposals.  Whether participants are new to grant writing or looking to refine their skills, this Grantwriting 101 workshop provides a solid foundation for navigating the grant application process and increasing the chances of securing funding for their projects.

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